
Denver, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco offices of the Mattachine Society, Inc., publish monthly newsletters listing activities in these respective areas, local items of interest to members and friends, etc. Some of these areas charge $1 per year for subscriptions from non-members. Please address inquiries about newsletters to the branch office concerned. Addresses are listed in the Mattachine Directory in this issue.


National news quarterly of the Mattachine Society, INTERIM, is circulated to active members, subscribing members, contributors, exchange publications and certain public agencies, institutions and professional persons concerned with human sex behavior problems For information, please write to the Mattachine Society, Inc., 693 Mission St., San Francisco 5.



Published monthly since 1936, in French, German and English (no translation duplications), Rudolf, editor. Annual subscriptions $11 first class sealed (Bank draft or cash to Postoffice Account Der Kreis, Konto VIII-25753, Zurich). Address, Postbox 547, Fraumunster, Zurich, Switzerland.


Mimeographed English edition, published bi-monthly by International Committee for Sexual Equality, Jack Argo, editor. Annual subscriptions, $5. Address Postbox 1564, Amsterdam, Holland. (Single copies 50 cents each --may be ordered from Mattachine Review.)


Monthly magazine in Dutch with articles about male and female homophile problems, published by Cultuur en Ontspannings Centrum (C.O.C), Bob Angelo, editor. Subscriptions $4 per year. Address Postbox 542, Amsterdam, Holland.


Monthly literary and scientific review in French, A. Baudry editor. Subscriptions $9 per year. Address 162 Rue Jeanne d'Arc, Paris 13, France.

mattachine REVIEW


Mattachine Society's yellow booklet of general information may be obtained ffrom the national headquarters, 693 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, Calif., for 25 cents per copy. Included in its contents are: the Mattachine program, aims and principles and a brief history of the Society.


"May I be no man's enemy and may I be the friend of that which is eternal and abides... May I never devise evil against any man; if any devise evil against me, may I escape...without the need of hurting him. May I love, seek and attain only that which is good. May I wish for all men's happiness and envy none... .. When I have done or said what is wrong, may I never wait for the rebuke of others, but always rebuke myself until I make amends... May I win no victory that harms either me or my opponent... May I reconcile friends who are wroth with one another. May I, to the extent of my power, give all needful help... to all who are in want. May I never fail a friend in danger... May I respect myself... May I always keep tame that which rages within me... May I never discuss who is wicked and what wicked things he has done, but know good men and follow in their footsteps."

Words of Eusebius, a "pagan" who lived some 2000 years ago.


Two folders, designed to be used as companion mailing pieces, are available from national headquarters of the Mattachine Society and its branch offices. They are "In Case You Didn't Know" and "What Has Mattachine Done?" The first outlines the homosexual problem in the U.S. and describes the purpose of the Society; the second tells how the Society is deal ing with the problem and what the organization is doing. Pri. ces are: 100 for $1.50; 50 for $1.00; smaller quantities, 3 cents each. Unless specified otherwise, orders will be filled with equal quantities of each folder.